Thursday, March 26, 2009

Step Two.... Blog!

So, I am embarrassed that this is my second post. And my first was last September. So, I will get better, faithful reader. :)

Today is Denver's first official snow day. I say Denver's official snow day. Not mine. My company is the only company in the metro area that didn't allow a snow day. Well, I made one anyway and left at noon. My boss claims that the storm will be done at 4pm... this is despite all the news reports telling people to get off the road, that it is going to last all night, retail locations closing, all the schools are closed, National Guard being called in, state of emergency. But no. Planning reunions must go on. We are saving lives after all.

I guess this just leads me to think about priorities. As I have gotten older, my priorities are more centered around me and my family, and less around some grumpy boss's demands. Yes, I need the money, but really, is it worth it? I decided it wasn't and walked out. The boss is now pouting because I didn't say goodbye. I have never said goodbye to him in the almost 2 years I have worked for this company.

Boy, that felt good. Sorry about the rant. I show up on here and this is what you get?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Step One.... Just Start

So, lately I have developed a list of blogs that inspire me after I read them. Some blogs are written by friends, others are written by strangers. I am very fascinated by the blogosphere (is this even the correct term anymore?) and I can see how writing is so good for the spirit. In the words of Anais Nin, "We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection."

So, I am going to give this blogging thing a try. And away we go!