Monday, September 29, 2008

Step One.... Just Start

So, lately I have developed a list of blogs that inspire me after I read them. Some blogs are written by friends, others are written by strangers. I am very fascinated by the blogosphere (is this even the correct term anymore?) and I can see how writing is so good for the spirit. In the words of Anais Nin, "We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection."

So, I am going to give this blogging thing a try. And away we go!

1 comment:

foxdemonprincess said...

I just started blogging to. mine started yesterday. I started blooging because in social studies we had to look at year books then say how it was different 40 years ago on our teacgers blog. It was pretty fun probably because i hate writing on penicil and paper. So far i have written over 5 blogs im trying to write about my life, poems, friends, and other stuff i like and what other people like.